Marijuana in salotto Guida alla Coltivazione
Weight 0.84 kg
Short description
Product details:
This book is a practical guide that provides you with step by step instructions on how to collect top quality seeds, germinate seeds, provide the ideal growing environment, grow the plant, prevent disease and pest problem, harvest the buds at the right time and cure it for top quality product.
Marijuana in salotto - Un manuale semplice, di facile consultazione e aggiornato con le ultime innovazioni nel campodella coltivazione domestica. Marijuana in salotto è l'ideale per chi vuole conoscere le tecniche di coltivazione della pianta più perseguitata nella storia dell'umanità: la cannabis. Arricchito da appendici che illustrano le più famose varietà di cannabis esistenti, gli usi alternativi e i differenti metodi di coltura, Marijuana in salotto vuole essere un inno alla normalizzazione della cannabis ed un contributo alla sua definitiva legalizzazione.
Luca Marola (classe 77), ideatore e gestore di uno tra i più antichi grow shop italiani, il Canapaio Ducale di Parma, fondato nel 2002. Da sempre impegnato nelle campagne antiproibizioniste per la legalizzazione e la normalizzazione dell’uso della cannabis, è l’organizzatore dell’annuale Festa Parmigiana Antiproibizionista. Già collaboratore di Soft Secrets Italia, Dolce Vita Magazine e Rasta Snob.
Delivery time 3 Workdays
L 27mm
Ø 7mm
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
L 27mm
Ø 7mm
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
à 42Filters
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
Made in Spain
Vegan, GMO + Chlorine Free
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
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These options are not available!
Ø 90-120mm
- Not available
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 70-100mm
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a 32Papers
- Not available
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
L 27mm
Ø 6mm
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
USB 2600mA/h Accu
for Herbs
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
62% RH S67
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
58% RH S67
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62% RH S320
- Not available
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32Papers+Tips each
- Not available
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32Papers+Tips each
- Not available
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à 44x4000mm
- Not available
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 55mm
Ø 15mm
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
L 67mm
Ø 4mm 11/
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 120mm Ø 7mm
SG 14 Angle 60°
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Ø 40mm H 57mm
No Colour Choice
- Not available
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
Complete Set
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 38mm
Food Grade Silicon
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
L 12mm
Ø 6mm
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
4 Freaky Designs
24Booklets à 35 Tips
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
à 52Tips
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These options are not available!
L 150mm
- Not available
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
Hang-able Packets
Long + Flexible L 300mm
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These options are not available!
Ø 49/47mm
H 36mm
- Not available
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These options are not available!
max. order 1pc
- Not available
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 250mm Ø 38mm
SG 14 WT 4mm
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 395mm Ø 130/51mm
SG 19bistable/14 WT 7mm
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 400mm Ø 51mm
SG 19bistable/14 WT 7mm
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These options are not available!
H 285mm Ø 48mm
SG 19/14
- Not available
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These options are not available!
L 110mm
- Not available
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 215mm Ø 75/22mm
SG 14
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These options are not available!
H 80mm Ø 88mm
Plug Chillum
- Not available
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 400mm Ø 130/51mm
SG 19/14 WT 5mm
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 270mm Ø 83/18mm
SG 14
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
Incl. Silicone Box
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- !Product information