Book Grossmutter, warum siehst du so bekifft aus
Weight 0.049 kg
Short description
Wenig beachtet ist heute das gesellschaftliche Dilemma der mangelnden Weitergabe von Erfahrungen der 'Altvorderen' an die nachfolgende Generation, wenn es um Tabuthemen geht.
Die Pioniere der Bewusstseins-Veränderung haben es weitgehend versäumt ihr Wissen um psychoaktive Substanzen und ihre 'Forschung' weiterzugeben. Schade - aber nicht zu spät. Vielleicht kann dieser Text von Werner Pieper die Älteren ermutigen auf die jungen zuzugehen, und sie mit ihren Experimenten nicht allein zu lassen, wie die Jungen dazu ihre Väter, Mütter, Onkel, Tanten und Omas (die Großmütter) und Opas offen nach deren Erfahrungen zu befragen. Viele wären positiv überrascht. Großmutter warum... ? Ja - ein Plädoyer für mehr Fragen und mehr Antworten, für eine offene Kommunikation zwischen den Generationen.
Product details:
Delivery time 3 Workdays
German Language
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
Frank Fuchs Ed.
German language
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
L 170mm
Incl. 10 Activated Carbon Filters
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 139mm
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
German language
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
German language
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
L 110mm
Made in Germany
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
356 Pages German
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
German Language
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German language
- Not available
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
German language
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
German Language
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
German language
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 70mm Ø 42mm
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
L 160mm
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
L 120-270mm
SG 19/14
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
German Language
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
German Language
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 400mm Ø 50mm
SG 2x18
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 277mm Ø 100/38mm
WT 19/14
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These options are not available!
German language
- Not available
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- !Product information
These options are not available!
German language
- Not available
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 259mm Ø 123mm
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
Oak and Stainless Steel
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
Hemp Cones
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 230mm Ø 65/23mm
SG 14 WT 3mm
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 195mm Ø 75/40mm
Plug Chillum
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 15mm
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 450mm Ø 55mm
SG 19
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These options are not available!
H 165mm Ø 57/18mm
SG 14
- Not available
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
50µ strong
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 280mm Ø 95/32mm
WT 19/14
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
252 Illustrated Pages
in German
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These options are not available!
German language
- Not available
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
German language
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
German language
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 143mm Ø 85mm
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 74mm Ø 60mm
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- !Product information