Book Backen mit Hanf
Weight 0.52 kg
Short description
Als jahrtausendealte Nutz- und Heilpflanze erlebt Hanf heute eine Renaissance. Doch auch in der Küche entfaltet die Pflanze ihre ganz besonderen Wirkungen.
Die Berliner Konditorin Kathrin Gebhardt zeigt in diesem neu aufgelegten und erweiterten Klassiker, wie man mit dem Harz, den Blättern und Samen von Hanf raffinierte Kuchen, Torten und Kleingebäck , aber auch pikante warme und kalte Leckerbissen sowie Getränke zaubern kann. Zu den 73 bekannten Rezepten kommen 4 neue glutenfreie Back- und Kochrezepte, ein Dialog zur glutenfreien Ernährung sowie eine allgemeine Aktualisierung des Basiswissens hinzu.
Gut verständlich erläutern die beiden Ärzte Dr. med. Franjo Grotenhermen und Dr. med. Joubin Gandjour die Pharmakokinetik von THC sowie den ernährungsphysiologischen Wert der Hanfsamen. Zudem liefert dieses Buch eine atktuelle medizinische Übersicht zu Cannabis als Heilmittel.
Product details:
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 70mm Ø 42mm
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
L 170mm
Incl. 10 Activated Carbon Filters
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
356 Pages German
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 259mm Ø 123mm
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
German language
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
German Language
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 74mm Ø 60mm
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
L 160mm
- Ready to ship today
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
252 Illustrated Pages
in German
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These options are not available!
German language
- Not available
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
517 Pages German Language
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
German Language
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
German Language
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
German language
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
German language
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
L 97mm
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 143mm Ø 85mm
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 43-48mm
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
Complete Set
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 12mm
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 60/44mm
H 59mm
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 60/44mm
H 59mm
- Ready to ship today
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These options are not available!
Ø 12mm
- Not available
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 15mm
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
German Language
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
- Ready to ship today
- !Product information
- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
German language
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
Frank Fuchs Ed.
German language
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 55,5/51,5mm
H 63mm
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 201mm Ø 105mm
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
L 67mm
Ø 4mm 11/
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 50mm
H 58mm
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
L 109mm
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 29/27mm
H 20mm
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These options are not available!
Incl. Silicone Box
- Not available
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 60/44mm
H 59mm
- Ready to ship today
- !Product information
- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
German language
- Ready to ship today
- !Product information
- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 143mm Ø 85mm
- Ready to ship today
- !Product information
- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
L 130mm
- Ready to ship today
- !Product information
- !Product information