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Weight 0.602 kg
Short description
Even the two-colour adapter has already diffuser slots and makes the water properly bubble which also cools and filters. If that's not enough, you additionally can fill ice cubes in the draw tube.
The funnel-shaped bowl for herbs has a practical handle for raising the bowl for the final kick. The mouthpiece is pleasantly rounded for more comfort when pulling through.
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 300mm Ø 45mm
SG 19/14 WT 5mm
- Ready to ship today
- !Product information
- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 400mm Ø 134/51mm
SG 19/14 WT 5mm
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
L 97mm
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 560mm Ø 65/50mm
SG 19/14 WT 7mm
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 400mm Ø 134/51mm
SG 19/14 WT 5mm
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 350-375mm Ø 60/45mm
SG 19/14 WT 3-5mm
- Ready to ship today
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
L 120mm H 30mm
Ø 20mm
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
L 160mm
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
L 170mm
Incl. 10 Activated Carbon Filters
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These options are not available!
H 260mm Ø 50/28mm
SG 19 WT 3,5mm
- Not available
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 400mm Ø 134/51mm
SG 19/14 WT 5mm
- Ready to ship today
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 15mm
- Ready to ship today
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
Biodegradable Cleaner
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These options are not available!
H 585mm Ø 65/53mm
SG 19 WT 5mm
- Not available
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 355mm Ø 50mm
SG 19 WT 4mm
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 40/37mm H 35mm
inclusive gift can
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 390mm Ø 65/50mm
SG 19Massive/14 WT 5mm
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 12mm
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 12.7mm
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 40/37mm H 16mm
Various colours
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 20mm
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 450mm Ø 50mm
SG 19 WT 3.5mm
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
blue H 115mm
Ø 40mm SG 2x14
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 400mm Ø 134/51mm
SG 19/14 WT 5mm
- Ready to ship today
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 74mm Ø 60mm
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 340mm
Ø 85mm
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These options are not available!
L 110mm
Ø 12mm
- Not available
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Delivery time 3 Workdays
L 80-240mm
SG 19/14 Inside Cut
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 400mm Ø 65/32mm
SG 19 WT 5mm
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 300mm Ø 38/95mm
SG 19/14
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 310mm Ø 85/40mm
SG 19/14 WT 3,5mm
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 62/56mm
H 48mm
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 18mm
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These options are not available!
Ø 50/47,5mm
H 43mm
- Not available
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 39/36,5mm
H 43mm
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 405mm Ø 65/52mm
SG 19 WT 5mm
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
H 400mm Ø 40mm
SG 19/14 WT 5mm
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
Delivery time 3 Workdays
Ø 33mm
H 70mm
- Ready to ship today
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- !Product information
These options are not available!
H 300mm Ø 100/40mm
SG 14 WT 3,5mm
- Not available
- !Product information
- !Product information
These options are not available!
H 350mm Ø 51mm
SG 19/14 WT 9mm
- Not available
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- !Product information